Me and My Mat<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 3188

Me and My Mat
Karen Sanzo
Class 3188

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Great practice Karen thanks
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I am just returning from an injury and this was the perfect workout for me today. I am so grateful to Pilates Anytime for providing me with the opportunity to work with the finest instructors in the business.
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So excited when there is a new Karen Sanzo class! You are really superb at cueing and breaking it all down in an easy to understand way. I always make new connections in your classes. I hope there are more classes coming! Thank you.
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Perfect celebration for my 7th year anniversary with Pilates Anytime. A return to basics never fails to teach me (or remind me!) of important lessons.
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Thank you, thank you for another Karen Sanzo MAT CLASS ! Karen, with you it's not just doing the exercises, it's knowing and grasping the details of the movements I'm doing.
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An absolutely awesome class. I love your lectures, there is always an "aha" moment for me. Looking forward to your next one!
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Thank you for that wonderful class Karen! Your cueing is always so great, every class I take from you I seem to come away with a couple new gems. You are definitely the 'Queen'.
Karen Sanzo
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First comments!!!! Thank you. It's been a pleasure to add to my current repertoire on Pilates Anytime. It's even more enjoyable to read your comments. Thank you ALL for taking the time to comment. I have started to encourage my own clients to join. Many have!! What a great resource. Come see our studio when you're in Dallas.
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Thank you so much Karen for a wonderful class - I agree with all the other comments - your teaching is so clear and it makes so much sense - I loved every minute!! Thank you so much!
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So awesome to do this for myself (as a Pilates instructor) outside on my deck on a beautiful day! My low back was quite stuck and sore this morning and now it feels great! Looking forward to seeing you at POT in Chicago!
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