Reformer Pas de Deux<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Class 3225

Reformer Pas de Deux
Viktor Uygan
Class 3225

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3 people like this.
So beautiful, graceful and powerful! Thank you for this lovely class.
Esmeralda B
1 person likes this.
Excellent. Wonderful class!!!
Viktor Uygan
Thank you E.A. We had a great time filming the class :)
Viktor Uygan
You welcome Esmeralda It was our pleasure :)
Patty Hafen
This is an exceptional class. Really fantastic. Thank you Viktor.
Viktor Uygan
1 person likes this.
So Happy you enjoyed the class Patty Hafen
2 people like this.
Really enjoyed this class and I'm not a dancer!
Viktor Uygan
Thank you Withney 😀
Beautiful class! Especially loved the leg series and the placement of the strap. Thank you for making me feel like a dancer:)
Viktor Uygan
Hi Anne-Marie Happy you like the strap adjustment that emphasizes the external or internal rotation of the legs during feet work on straps....... and remember we are all dancers! sometimes we just need to be reminded :)
1-10 of 48

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