Reformer Pas de Deux<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Class 3225

Reformer Pas de Deux
Viktor Uygan
Class 3225

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With very ease you are introducing a different style.
Even though my clients are not dancers I can still use those movement to mobilize their spine and lubricate joint in all dimensions.
What a beautiful energy, elegance and harmony.
Çok çok güzel.
Thank you Victor and Kelly.
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What a wonderful class! Creative, thoughtful, well designed with precise cues. Really a treat.
Viktor Uygan
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Hi Gerda so happy you see the value this class provides not just for the dancers but also regular clients. Thank you for comment it means a lot :)
Viktor Uygan
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Thank you Rachel i am happy that you like creativity as much as I do :)
1 person likes this.
Beautiful class thank you!
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This was really awesome I loved the ab series
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Loved every minute!!!
Joyce Dev
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Fabulous variations on the traditional repertoire. Can't wait to use with my clients. Thank you Viktor!
Viktor Uygan
Thank you Rachel I am glad you enjoyed the class specially I am guessing from your profile picture you are a dancer your self... 😀
Viktor Uygan
1 person likes this.
Hi Elizabeth Ab series one of my favorites as well simple but effective , it is similar to Mat work but same time feels very different. Glad to hear you enjoyed the class 👍😀
11-20 of 48

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