Lengthening Tower<br>Michael F. & Ton V.<br>Class 3371

Lengthening Tower
Michael F. & Ton V.
Class 3371

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Ana Karina You can't imagine how many takes it took for the bird to get it right.
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Great ideas here to elongate and lengthen!
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Loved it! Felt wonderful. Thank you!
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Great to "see" you both again. I loved the SL hip stretching with rotation. Much needed after a weekend of trailriding:)
Thank you so much. The spirals felt amazing!
Rebecca T
While I got intrigued by what you were doing with the rotations, I would have liked much more specific direction. Honestly, I was so distracted by your calling them "professional girls" and telling them to smile that I just couldn't deal. I deal with that stuff enough in life and I do NOT deal with it in the pilates/dance/yoga room any more.
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Great Class, as always! Greetings from Costa Rica.
Jennifer J
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Thank you 😊
Sheila Ray
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My SI joint had been (painfully) out of joint for a week when I took this class. I tried all of my usual tricks to no avail. This class did the job and gave me some new tools for my (and my studio) arsenal. Thank you! 
Truly enjoyed this tower video, focusing on the key mini movements/engagements that are sometimes overlooked and are so important in proper movement execution!  One of my clients felt so good post-session that she requested a private lengthening tower session!  Thank you.
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