Texture Reformer<br>Amy Taylor Alpers<br>Class 3538

Texture Reformer
Amy Taylor Alpers
Class 3538

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Shelley M
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Another fantastic class, Amy. The softening and releasing idea instead of holding/tensing allows the body to do so much more. It releases hamstrings - does that make sense to you? The front splits were the best experience I've had with those to date. The softening down of the back releases the legs, it seems?  A huge amount of pilates teachers don't have that understanding of how to not lock out the legs. Your emphasis of hands and feet helps to harness gravity in a whole different way, which is so key. After your classes, my body feels relaxed in a very deep way, as opposed to the 'surface' feeling we get after say a dance class. It's a kind of "all is well with the world" feeling. Does that make sense to you in terms of what you're trying to achieve?
Shelley M
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Amy, I did this class again and got even more out of it this time around. It was a reframe for me to think, rather than stretching, which tightens and holds, the idea is bending down, which opens and releases. And using breathing to 'help' all that. That combined with standing on your hands and feet and letting the body float between, was a really wonderful body experience. The Front Splits are completely different done this way. Love the way you teach not locking the knees - emphasizing the feet and hanging in the ankles rather than in the knees, and floating the shins up. I absolutely adore the way you language Pilates.
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excellent class, cues and imagery so helpful, thank you!
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That was REALLY lovely. Thank you ❤️
Such a treat to observe Amy’s wonderful teaching and “out of the box” cues. Thanks for so generously sharing your skills. Thanks PA for such quality!!!
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