Meredith, Thank you for sharing this class with us. Your slow, deliberate delivery as well as the sequencing in this class was lovely. I could almost see your body learning from this class, noting where the imbalances might be and noticing how balance could be restored. I will be looking forward to seeing how your put your current experience into work on the reformer. Thank you!
Great class! I also hurt my back (bulging discs L4-L5) and have been confused on which pilates exercises help/hurt. Through my self-study, I realized that I had been exacerbating the problem with some of my pilates practice, so this class was a good start for me to begin integrating pilates back into my routine. Thanks, Meredith, and best of luck getting restoring your back!
Foam roller controversy?? Oh no. They will have to pry my foam roller out of my cold dead hands. New formula for turning around a crappy day: Meredith Rogers + foam roller+beer. Thanks for another great class!
So sorry to hear about your back Meredith - I have taught for years with a back condition. Its painful at times but it makes you a much better teacher ( empathy). Something good always comes out of something bad. Try Neidras myofascial releases they will certainly help you xxx