Thank you so much for watching and your feedback - I'm so glad you're enjoying this workshop! Katarzyna, on a more traditional Reformer you'd find this higher spring setting to be quite supportive in the exercise. On a non-traditional Reformer I'd typically settle somewhere around 2 heavy springs for the Hundred, but it always depends on the dimensions, presence of risers and other factors as to what works best. Hope this helps!
I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to work with Benjamin Degenhardt. I loved as much as all of you. Truly a gifted teacher and a beautiful person as well.
So great! I would love to see a similar workshop from you on the chair. I love love love the chair and feel like it often gets the short end of the stick.
Wow, what a gift! Thank you for the glorious (and free!) workshop. I don't know how I missed this when it first came out but it is now in my favorites. As always, you are amazing, Benjamin! I can't stop smiling when I watch you teach, whether in videos or in person. And Meredith too! Would love to see more of this lovely combo on other apparatus. Agree with Elisha .... the chair, the chair! ;)