Happy & Healthy Knees<br>Amy Havens<br>Tutorial 3643

Happy & Healthy Knees
Amy Havens
Tutorial 3643

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Thanks! I have a few clients that have had knee replacement and was wondering if you have any tips for pre and post recovery.
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Great tips, can’t wait to try it out! In addition to being a hyper-extender, I am also knock-kneed. Any recommendations for that? Movements such as thigh stretch or pigeon in yoga have started feeling yucky. I was in denial before and thought I was too young to have knee problems, but am coming to peace with saying “nope” if it doesn’t feel good. Would love any advice to keep the ol’ girls as healthy as I possible 😉
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Thanks a lot, awesome tutorial!! Please make more tutorials about hyperextended knees and elbows (overextending) and hope I can see more tutorials about the injury care too!
Paula H
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Thank you Amy, that was great...I really needed help in these days for a client with super hyper knee extension.
would you have any videos you can address me to for an 80 year old couple with marked kyphosis who loves work on the reformer although kind of challenging for me... need ideas and suggestions to work really safe. Thank you
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Thank you Amy for sharing it . It was very interesting and very helpful. 🙏
Thank you all so very much for this very supportive feedback! Knees are interesting, aren't they?!! To those of you who had personal questions, I'll respond to you individually so to help clarify your questions. From the sounds of it though, you'd be interested in more strategies for working with/around the issue of knee hyperextension as well as some elbow hyperextension too. Stay tuned! In the meantime, you can also reference class #3476 by Cara Reeser -- she gives another take on knee hyperextension, some great information there too!
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Thanks so much, Amy. I’m having some knee trouble with deep flexion, so I’m on it...I don’t want to give up any of my hiking, running, biking so VMO & Hammies thank you!!! I LOVE all your classes, BTW!

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I loved the tutorial but I need more mat exercises for the knee issue..I don"t have a reformer at home...Thank You Amy
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Hi Cigdem--- ok... I'll consider doing another short class using only the Mat and a small prop or two next time. Thank you for the feedback!
Excellent info...
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