Wunda Chair Partnership<br>Jenna Zaffino<br>Class 3685

Wunda Chair Partnership
Jenna Zaffino
Class 3685

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Beautiful class- loved the mermaid series especially -thank you Jenna 💜
Jenna thank you for this class! Your cueing helped me make a better connecton with my hips and pelvis. Great flow and transitions!
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Loved every bit of that class. Beautiful transitions, cueing, flow, challenge... Thanks a lot Jenna :)))
I love it
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Great class Jenna I loved it. Thank you
1 person likes this.
LOVED IT! All of it!! Thank you! Your cues and light humor throughout are great, so graceful!! :)
I love this class!.
Rachel H
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I loved the flow of this class and the cueing was just amazing.. thank you!
1 person likes this.
Lovely class Jenna! Just what I needed! Great flow and cueing! Thank you!!
I am drawn to this class, it makes me feel good, strong, ready to face a busy week! Thank you Jenna, thank you PA!
11-20 of 39

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