Wunda Chair Partnership<br>Jenna Zaffino<br>Class 3685

Wunda Chair Partnership
Jenna Zaffino
Class 3685

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1 person likes this.
Lovely class, great flow. I particularly enjoyed the pikes with spinal flexion & extensions, and Ron’s teasers.
2 people like this.
Beautiful class! Lovely flow! I loved watching it, can’t wait to do it with you. ❤️
LOVED it! Really nice flow and creative!!
What a rewarding class! I feel amazing and that last washer woman/swan combo was downright yummy! Thank you Jenna! I just love how versatile the chair can be. And I totally agree about the lighter spring, you want it to support but not fight with it. Really great class!
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Jenna, I absolutely loved this!! Loved the flow! Loved your cues! What a wonderful chair workout!! Thank you!!!
YES! This was just what I needed to kick my afternoon energy slump! Enjoyed your cues and motivational style!
1 person likes this.
Loved this class! Really liked th rationale you gave for the springs.
Fantastic chair workout!
One of those classes that makes every ounce of energy it takes to create and maintain this website worth it! Thanks Jenna!
1 person likes this.
I really like this ... each move really packs a punch - especially those teasers!
1-10 of 39

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