Thank you christy for your beautiful way of communicating. Great video, mindful explanations and wonderful instructions. Still on my high from training with you last week, so glad I got to bring you into my living room today to remind me how incredible this work is. Feel more think less ! The light in me honors the light within you, pure vida ;)
Thank you Christi and PA for this great video and for sharing content where expansion rather than contraction is used. I love the ideas to work towards inversions - will try them in my classes - Thank you and looking forward to more videos from Christi!
I have bad hip pain and am always game for a class like this! Thanks! I have a tower/reformer combo and I used the roll down bar in the bridge/thigh stretch sequence. Fun mod for anyone to try!
Great class again thank you Christie, hips and back feel free and released, strengthened as well. I love your cues and explanations. Fabulous and easy to follow, calming and lovely flow.