Mobilizing Pilates Arc<br>Serafino Ambrosio<br>Class 3758

Mobilizing Pilates Arc
Serafino Ambrosio
Class 3758

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Fantastic class!!! Complimenti Serafino per il  brillante esordio. Roberta Vailati
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I really enjoyed this class. I have only a bosu ball (half shere) at home and used it for the exercises. 
4 people like this.
Hi everyone thanks for the great comments ...UN GRANDE RINGRAZIAMENTO! keep being positive , creative and professional ...nothing stays the same ...create , fail, retry and inspire ...ALWAYS! Ciao Serafino 
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Energia, tecnica, creatività come sempre! Bellissima lezione Serafino! Patrizia Altieri
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Bellissima classe Serafino, un grande apprezzamento per la tua capacità di creare sempre qualcosa di nuovo. Un fuoriclasse!
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1 person likes this.
Thank you for such a great class. Very inspiring and wonderful new fun ways to use the Arc..
Bravissima !! ( I’m learning Italian)
Francesca Rock
What a great fun, creative, challenging class!! Always amazing Serafino! 
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Amazing !
11-20 of 53

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