Expand and Stretch<br>Gia Calhoun<br>Class 3858

Expand and Stretch
Gia Calhoun
Class 3858

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Carol C
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Thank you so much Gia! A perfect post-run stretch šŸ˜Š
Noa W
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Marie Silva
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Very nice program! really enjoyed every single class
Marie SilvaĀ ~ I'm so glad you enjoyed my program!Ā 
1 person likes this.
Nice šŸ‘šŸ‡©šŸ‡°
Amy S
1 person likes this.
Great Class!
Rhiannon W
1 person likes this.
Exactly as the title says!! My body feels so open and expanded :) thank you x
Wonderful stress short video!!
I couldn't watch this video. Not sure if it's my computer but a the message I got is: This video file cannot be played. Error Code 232011
NoritaĀ ~ Iā€™m so sorry to hear you had trouble with this video. I recommend trying our Video Troubleshooter in the FAQs to see if that fixes the problem. If you continue to have issues, please email us at support@pilatesanytime.com. I hope you enjoy the class when you can take it!
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