Release with the Egg Ball<br>Mary Bowen<br>Tutorial 3884

Release with the Egg Ball
Mary Bowen
Tutorial 3884

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1 person likes this.
Miss Mary, thank you for your passion—-you are most inspiring.  Your Egg Balls and straps would be a blessing to work with in my Studio and on my Scoliosis.  Please advise on purchasing. Linda

I think what I am the most thankful for is that Joseph Pilates has inspired super interesting humans to deeply think about and experience movement- and then share it w others. This video is gold and the amount of wonderful and hilarious bits of wisdom you shared —- thank you- it’s all so valuable. The yawn / throw up part! Awesome.
Thank you Mary for sharing your valuable knowledge, very gratefull.  I loved your turorial and the just be and let it happen.  I cant wait to try what you have just taught us.  I see on your website where one can purchase the straps but I would love to purchase the balls as well can you send the link for the balls.   

Kind regards
Theresa Raess
Cheryl Z
You remind me of Shiva Rea my yogic guru goddess. I am sure you are soul spirits. Trusting our ow intuition is hard but deep down relax and really listen to the body it knows. Thank you for speaking to that aspect of our selves. Planning on getting egg ball and Jerry rigging some straps to try this.
11-14 of 14

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