Garuda Mat Flow<br>James D'Silva<br>Class 3953

Garuda Mat Flow
James D'Silva
Class 3953

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1 person likes this.
Amazing class! Enjoyed this movement experience, thanks!
1 person likes this.
Wow! What a journey, inspirational, thanks James.
Cristina G
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Very interesting class, different way of movement! Thanks 
1 person likes this.
amazing work. 
3 people like this.
80 minutes have never flown by so fast - I am full of gratitude and haven't felt this centered in my chakras in a very long time. Incredible this happened from simply moving my body and opening up the flow of energy. Thank you, James! What a delightful soul and teacher you are. I feel like I need a gallon of water to flush out all the old stuck stuff that has been released in my system... so cheers to that, and cheers to you  
Ali E
ı am sorry ı dont like
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More more, please more!
1 person likes this.
Loved it. More please
1 person likes this.
This was a gift to me today. Feeling so closed in with life's tension Garuda appears bringing such joy to my heart.  Thank you Pilates Anytime for including one of the greatest teachers out there. Thank you James for sharing such a gift with all of us. 
2 people like this.
Love this! Thank you! I appreciate all the work with the hands...
11-20 of 37

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