Good evening from San Francisco Viera. As of this evening all of California joins you in staying home to slow the spread of the corona virus. Sending you, your family and the Pilates community world-wide best wishes for strong health and calm.
Elizabeth, you are such a pleasure and font of information❣️ Please continue to pour forth from your font to all us hungry and in need of this essential understanding. You have a gift for translating the complex into the understandable . God bless you 🙏🏻❗️
Thank you so much Elizabeth. As usual I was carefully listening to your every word for more enlightenment as to how our bodies move. I love the way every movement can be appreciated from a different perspective. I'm already waiting for your next video and hoping that you stay well and healthy and let this virus pass you by!
It is an interesting class. Does it mean that by mobilizing our fascias with a circular motion, we can better recruit our muscles or make the move in a more efficient way? I felt all the plank variations were a lot easier.
Lina, good news that you found the planks easier. My understanding is that movements of the thorax in side lying, all fours and sitting prepare the spine to organize for weight bearing through the shoulder girdle and arms. The preparatory movement sequences do encourage glide of the layers of tissues that connect the rib basket with the the shoulders, arms, hands and pelvis
I came to this class to learn something and then you snuck in all those planks without batting an eyelash and now I'm sweating! But what wonderful sequencing to get there as I was just as surprised as the next to actually be hanging out in a one-arm side plank like nobody's business. A great teaching AND exercising moment, thank you!