Let's Roll<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4159

Let's Roll
Amy Havens
Class 4159

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Thank you so much for this amazing class, Amy!!  I loved your cues and the foam roller combination.  I felt lighter after the class, like a weight was lifted off of me.   
Dawn U
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I adore you, Amy!  Thanks for being you.  Great class
Wendy B
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Thank you Amy for this wonderful class!  I love the cueing and imagery you use. My hamstrings thank you too!! 
Abigail K
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So lovely! I needed this after working at my desk for hours and hours!
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Excellent Amy! Mahalo from Hawaii🥰
1 person likes this.
Another great class with foam roller and you Amy; thank you for perfect cueing...
Ella D
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Thank you Amy! I've been doing your classes now for two years and I absolutely love them! Your cues are really good and so clear, it's as if you're in the room with me! Thank you! :) 
Sonia R
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This was my first class with you Amy and I loved it!!! I was looking for roller work and I found this video and I am feeling so much better now! I will definitely start following you and checking other classes you have posted! Thank you so much!
Laurence F
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Hello from London, UK, Amy, where my partner and I are still working from home! PA has been a lifesaver for the past few months, and we look forward to working out every single morning! We love your classes, Amy, we really do. Whether they are the relaxing type or the challenging ones, we always end up feeling better (and happier!) after taking your classes. We love your energy and the connexion you make with us all. Thank you! 
Rachel Amanda Carla  Sam Jos mbrown You all really know how to brighten my day!  Thank you for your positive feedback.  I'm so happy you enjoyed this class!!
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