Flow, Rhythm, and Dynamics<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 416

Flow, Rhythm, and Dynamics
Niedra Gabriel
Class 416

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Niedra Gabriel
Hi Karen,
How great to hear from you again - all this time...
Regarding the bridge - if your shoulders are tight I suggest you take a yoga strap or towel and hold it between your hands, letting your hands stay wider than your shoulders, so you have something to connect between the hands. If your shoulders still feel very restrictive while lifing up your hips you can also place your hands on two books ( still holding onto the straps) so they are not at floor level, and this will also diminish the demand on your shoudlers and help your hips lift further.
I would start here and let me know if this helps.
Once you put this into application let me know about if your hips go any higher off the floor? they should - but there is more you can try if you are still feeling very locked up.
good luck! and big hug,
Thanks Niedra, I will try this and let you know how I get on
Hi Niedra
Love this class, thanks.
Just one question. In the rollover exercise is it better to keep the legs straight even if they can't reach the floor behind my head or is it better to touch the floor with knees slightly bent, thanks for all your great classes. Karen, The Netherlands :)
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Karen, what a great question. Actually both options have a place as the straight legs version will stretch out your back and hamstrings and build more control and the bent knee variation will allow for greater flexiblity in the hips and possibly more stretch into the upper back as you can roll deeper.
Without having you in front of me - experiement with both variations and focus on how they affect you differently so you can have your own feed back on this.
Technically you are supposed to work wtih straight legs ( a nebulous definition as most people do not fully extend their legs). Your focus should include making sure you lift your hips with your Power House, and that you do NOT collapse in the middle when you have your legs over your head.
Hope this helps.
Thank you Niedra, your advice and help is always very much appreciated
Thank you Niedra, your help and advice is very much appreciated
Kind regards
Very challenging! I can see where I need to work. The breakdown really helped. Essential to watch before you do the class!
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Monica, so glad you enjoyed the workout, the great thing with Pialtes there is alwasy so much more to learn - it is really for us analytical people who want to understand movement more pecifically.
Enjoy and happy Holidays.
Loved this class! All the classic moves, nice flow, great energy, perfect instruction. Thank you Niedra!!
Awesome workout. Great Pace. Thanks so much. Will be doing this again!!!!!
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