Bone Building<br>Sherri Betz<br>Class 4200

Bone Building
Sherri Betz
Class 4200

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Sherri Betz
Jocelyn N thank you so much for the positive feedback!
Kim C
1 person likes this.
Thank you, that was wonderful! Challenging too! I learned a lot and hope to improve my strength and bone density with you. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
I find this and all of Sherri's classes so useful, both for myself and for my clients.  I come back to them again and again.  Thank you, Sherri, and thanks for continuing to add to and enrich our PA resources!
I salute you, Sherri, this is exactly what I and my clients need, physically, mentally, emotionally. Your leadership is wonderful, your knowledge is great, thank you!
Finally watching this! Such great work! Kicked my booty! Luv all your passion and energy always. Thankful for you!
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