Corps Basics<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4255

Corps Basics
Amy Havens
Class 4255

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Thank you Amy! That was a wonderful way to close out my day here in Ireland. Simple is indeed good, really felt a deeper connection. I truly appreciate the thought that you put into your classes. I will most certainly do this class again. 
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Lovely class!
2 people like this.
Amy, I love your attention to detail. I could do your work all day! 
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It's clear you love teaching! I think it's a big part of what makes you such an exceptional teacher.  Thank you again Amy.
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Loved this deeper workout, just what I needed to wake me up today
Agnese G
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Amazon lesson Amy! It was really going back to basic and going deep. I needed it! Your teaching is great.
Agnese G
1 person likes this.
Sorry, it was amazing lesson (the device changes words) and I'm Italian! I've got to be carful! Thanks again
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I really enjoyed this class!
Hannah J
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Thanks for keeping us going Amy! Your warmth is as valuable as your expertise right now. Love the variety of approaches in your recent classes.
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much Amy. With our third version of a lock down in Northern Ireland starting soon I am missing my pilates community but having such amazing online instructors here on Pilates Anytime makes such a difference. Loved today's class, just what my body needed. Please send some of that sunshine our way! xx
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