Articulation<br>Danica Kalemdaroglu<br>Class 4375

Danica Kalemdaroglu
Class 4375

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Thank you Danica, you are already dear to me. The way you explain each movement, the awareness you are able to transfer behind each one of them,  catches the attention during the whole class and yet is so perfectly entertainig! Rock and roll!!!
Claudia Zannoni You are just to awesome!
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Thank you Danica. I am currently recovering from COVID and NEEDED to move. I miss teaching and moving and THIS class was really helpful both physically and mentally. Excellent work you are bringing. Sending much gratitude!!!
Vicki Hagberg
Thank you, this is awesome.  
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Love this class!  Amazing cues and great build up to some challenging movement.  Thank you!
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This class was just as awesome as the previous ones. Your cueing is perfect for a super deep work. Oh, and that "illegal" saw felt SOOOO good !! Thanks a lot Danica :))
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1 person likes this.
OMG you are brilliant (and hilarious)! I love love love this class!! Thank you SO MUCH!! Can't wait to share with my virtual students

Kimberley D
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Ooh, i found a new teacher! That was awesome, thanks Danica. Good work for my wonky spine and your great instruction and humor made me feel like I was actually IN a class.
Love how you explain each exercise and the cueing that helps us master each exercise!  Great class!  
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