Still and Strong<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 4426

Still and Strong
Tash Barnard
Class 4426

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2 people like this.
What a strong workout!  Felt so good to really take time to feel those muscles working. Thank you your amazing cues to make the most out of each movement and  for always being positive!
2 people like this.
Great exercises,  cues and work out. Thank you!
Where is the first video?
1 person likes this.
Amy V ~ You can find all of the videos in this program here. They are listed in order. I hope you enjoy them!
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This is truly one of the most challenging classes I have ever done.  Thanks for reminding me how much work I need to do. Just when I thought I was getting stronger. Great cues and very good pace. Interesting ab work
Libby K
2 people like this.
Tash I'm loving this series.  I especially enjoy your slow, deliberate pace and clean, specific cueing. It took a few days to recover from the first class, but I came back!
The single leg strap work undid me - in a good way.  After 15 years of pilates I don't remember ever doing that and my usual pelvic stability was really challenged.  I look forward to the next in the series... after I've recovered!
Celeste E
Really enjoyed this. Thank you!
I did it the class for the second time. It will not be the last time! 👏🏻
Luisa C
Very demanding and challenging class. As usual, a great job by @Tash
Heather S
This is a great class. I still have a ways to go before I can do everything with stability so I'll definitely be returning to this workout as continue to strengthen myself.
1-10 of 21

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