James, that “lifting from the pubic bone” changed my life! I have been dealing with a hamstring injury and this idea immediately let go of the tension there. I was back dancing on stage this week (first time in a year!), and I felt great after, largely due to playing with your ideas in this series. Sending so much gratitude to you🙏🏻
Also loved this emphasis on the pubic bone and constant reminders to have a conversation with my sit bones.... another brilliant session.. Thank you James
A very interesting class.I felt at first reluctant to try one of the classes of this series, but then I've learn new things, new ways of interacting with my body. I like to explore new ways of thinking and moving. Fortunately, I'm curious! If I can feel in my body, I can teach it. As an instructor, I find that just being exposed to different cues is so helpful. The head in the middle between the pubic bone and the sacrum is a simple yet effective cue. Thank you.