I have loved nearly all of the classes I have done on PA over the years; this one is my new favourite. I found my movement home! Thank you so much James. It brought together the movement practices I do..energy healing movement, 5 stages, functional movement, Nia and of course Pilates..but in such a fun, uplifting and joyful way. It's really inspired me to bring this energy into my classes. Much gratitude
Was this a Workout masquerading as Play? Or was this working out & lengthening in a playful way. Seems to have been a bit of both. James gave everyone the option to modify so I substituted head stands for shoulder stands (i can't do a shoulder stand). This class flew by. Michael King is another playful instructor whose classes fly by. I had Fun & feel much better! note~ my granddaughter and I were skipping last week. I am always surprised how fast one can move while skipping. Thanks Again James:)