Reformer Twist 1<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 4552

Reformer Twist 1
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 4552

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Emily B Thank you!  Twisting by the sea...sounds like a movie or song title.  Hugs to you.
Cindy K woot woot!  So pleased to hear the leg variation with box worked for you. I LOVE it as well.  Thanks for playing and "see" you soon. hugs!
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UUhhh Sarah - that was just the perfect mixture of hard and nice, - wonderful!! Thank you! Also PA for the ocean breeze - that felt so great!!
Silke L exactly what I was going for!  Thank you:). Take care.
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Loved the prone box variation at the end with the feet under the bar, the sound of the sea and the warmth of your voice Sarah! Thank you! 
Allana KD
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Thanks so much again, Sarah! 
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Loved it! You showed me some twisty variations I have never done before! Thank you!
Becky C
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Oh that was brilliant!  Especially loved the series on the box at the end as that was new to me!  
Lauren W
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That was a beautiful class!!! Thank you so much!!💕♥️❤️
Debby L
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This series is wonderful - so much so that I've repeated taking the classes. Please offer more! I'm a big fan...
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