Heart Opening<br>Jason Williams<br>Class 4573

Heart Opening
Jason Williams
Class 4573

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Loved it! Thank you so much Jason.
Jason Williams
Iga S You're welcome!  Glad you like it! :)
1 person likes this.
Thank you Jason! This was a great heart opening class.
Jason Williams
Kerry W You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! :)
2 people like this.
Love for me, Love for you, Love for all.... This was wonderful.  Thank you!!

Jason Williams
Nicholle H You're welcome! Glad you liked the mantra.  
1 person likes this.
loved this class. I feel really relaxed my hands were hot !  Gill. E

Jason Williams
Gillian  Love it! Glad you're feeling your healing energy.
Judy K
1 person likes this.
really enjoyed this.  It was easy to follow.  Cues were clear and interesting and encouraging..thanks
1 person likes this.
what a treat. big thanks from Dublin Ireland x
1-10 of 29

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