Heart Opening<br>Jason Williams<br>Class 4573

Heart Opening
Jason Williams
Class 4573

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Jason Williams
Judy K thank you for the comment.  You're most welcome!
Jason Williams
Susannah D you're welcome! Thank you for taking class.
Fiona O
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I had a terrible time with my elbow and had to take a month off. Today was my first class back and I feel great. I made a few modifications thanks to you.  This was just what I needed. Thank you! 
Jason Williams
Fiona O You’re welcome!  Glad to have you back😃. 
Amy P
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Felt wonderful, thank you! Also got some ideas to incorporate into classes
Jason Williams
Amy P you’re welcome!! Glad it was helpful😃
Stacie W
1 person likes this.
Fantastic again - loved the Reiki meditation at the end.
Jason Williams
Stacie W you’re welcome! Thank you😁
Carla R
1 person likes this.
Wow! Another amazing class Jason, thank you
Jason Williams
Carla R you’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it 🙏🏾😃
11-20 of 29

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