Advanced Floorwork<br>Diane Severino<br>Class 4752

Advanced Floorwork
Diane Severino
Class 4752

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Diane, I will tell you in Italian "Sei una Grande!" Intense and super fun and inspiring class. Loved it and Thank you.
1 person likes this.
"like" is not enough - we need a "love" button to click for this class. thank you, Diane!  💖🙏🏽
Nina S
Love Diane! These exercises she walks us through are great additions to an advanced class. Thank you! 
Elizabeth E
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Diane, you have been my hero since the first Pilates Anytime class I took with you many years ago!  As a fellow New Yorker and former modern dancer who studied at the Graham School, I so value your discipline and attention to detail while at the same time influencing the classic work with your impeccable modern technique. Your sense of humor kills me and you are absolutely one of my favorite Pilates teachers to follow! Please keep teaching all of us and making Pilates fun!!
Wonderful, thank you Diane!
Alissa W
21-26 of 26

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