Advanced Floorwork<br>Diane Severino<br>Class 4752

Advanced Floorwork
Diane Severino
Class 4752

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4 people like this.
You are simply wonderful, Diane!
Wow!!!!!!!! What a nice morning! Thank you!
1 person likes this.
My hips & I both thank you you for a wonderfully unique class. Your personality is the cherry on top!
Vanessa A
Wonderful, thank you Diane!
Alissa W
1 person likes this.
Thank you Diane for the wisdom, grace, legacy and humor. Loved this. Love the red unitard. Want one.
2 people like this.
Excited to see Diane back, so beautifully gracefull And like the previous comment I always love the humor
1 person likes this.
Diane you inspire me. That move at 9:31 where you say " I can still do this" is indeed flexibility, strength and body intelligence. I can do it as well but we both know it is not that simple. You and your life's work... BEAUTIFUL, we are grateful. Thank you so much.
Love it Diane Thank you!
Laura Sepulveda
Brought me back to my dance days in NYC (last century!) Loved this class and  had me smiling through the entire video- thank you!! Definitely saving this one on my favorites list.
1-10 of 26

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