Advanced Floorwork<br>Diane Severino<br>Class 4752

Advanced Floorwork
Diane Severino
Class 4752

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Loved it, especially the Graham work thrown in! Thank you wonderful lady. 
Good stuff to end my day with--thanks.
Hi Diane, such a wonderful source of inspiration and positive energy. I loved your class and your good vibes! Happy New Year
Absolutely wonderful, thank you Diane!!!🙏
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Diane you are priceless! Thank you for giving me inspiration and new mat class enhancements!😘
Julie Lloyd
This is one of my favourite classes ever. Wow! You are amazing Diane xo
Beth C
Hi Diane. Great class! I am 69 and have started doing Pilates daily. My lower back and hips are very inflexible. What can I do to improve (besides more Pilates!)? Thanks for your response.
1 person likes this.
Great and inspiring class! Wow, with 76 years young that powerful and flexibel - you are just a power woman and a big example to me how I wanna get old 
Cynthia T
1 person likes this.
Challenging and entertaining with a wonderful personality.  I hope yo have more classes here that I can follow.  Thank You!
Thank you so much Diane. You have such a fun, youthful spirit that is very inspiring. I am 66 and I am in really good shape because of Pilates.  Its a great way to keep our bodies youthful! Thanks for returning to PA!
11-20 of 26

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