Creative Foundation Flow<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 4756

Creative Foundation Flow
Brett Howard
Class 4756

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Never disappointed with Brett’s workouts (Mat and Apparatus) he is just so good at explaining and cuing… I adore his teaching!
Hello Brett and Tetsuo! It is nice to see you again! I am looking forward to your new classes.
Great beginner session, everyone can benefit from this no matter our personal level, and Brett's clear and concise cues, like always, brings our attention to the details in every move. Thank you Brett
Hadley B
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This guy is awesome!  He takes just enough time to explain things without accommodating a short nap between exercises like some beginner classes do.   I hope to take more of his classes!  P.S.  "No one likes to waste alcohol" -  I love a little surprise humor in the middle of a workout.
1 person likes this.
Love, love Brett's cueing and sequencing.  Always nice to go back to basics.
1 person likes this.
Excellent reminder of building from the baseline.  Cues are specific and concise.  Loved 'Tremor of Truth'! 
I’m so disappointed that I don’t have a reformer.   I love all the classes of Brett’s that I’ve taken on Pilates Anytime.   I will bookmark this program.   One never knows when Santa will finally deliver a reformer to my door.
Robin S
awesome workout just long enough that I can't complain I don't have time!! LOVE your classes please add more!! 
Michael Mary S
Brett, this is a great class.  It's such a good reminder that we should always return to the basics.  I love how you taught stomach massage with the box.  Can't wait to try this with my students.
Thanks Brett.  I too never thought to try stomach massage  with  the  box.  Like it.  
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