Progressing on the Reformer<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 4825

Progressing on the Reformer
Karen Sanzo
Class 4825

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Kathryn R
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Thank you for this class.  Your cues are wonderful.  I also am so grateful for the class notes.  I note your cues and any other clarifications that you make and refer back to them when I teach.  Thank you!
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Karen, this was completely lovely for everyone, teachers included. Always love your cues and tidbits of knowledge. Thank you so much for doing this series. Can't wait for the next one. 
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Awesome class, THANK YOU!!!!
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Karen, this was such an amazing and thoughtful flow. You teach with such seasoned ease and confidence, making me feel fully prepared for the movement, and truly feeling all the feels today! I really enjoyed this session with you, and will be returning to it again and again. Thank you so much. 
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Loved it!  Wish I lived closer where I could take more training with you . Refreshed after a long day, and new things to teach my classes. Thanks. 
Lisa C
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Karen - I really enjoy all of your work.  Thank you.
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Could listen to your fabulous curing all day - thank you
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absolutely brilliant class
Karen Sanzo
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APPRECIATED! I am so glad you see ME! Kathryn R Lori M Ozlem D Rena W Kylie C Lisa C Candace A 
Marney M
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Great class. Thank you very much.
11-20 of 23

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