Reformer Stretch<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 491

Reformer Stretch
Amy Havens
Class 491

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Going in queue...also perfect after barre. YUM...said my periformis-es! Thank you....again
Jennifer......YES, a great series for after barre class, perfect! I think our gluts need these kinds of stretches....often! At least mine do! Thanks for your feedback, as always.
More please for the upperbody:))
You've got it Z A, thank you!!
I loved this just what i needed
Thank you Heather! Glad the stretches felt good!!
Just what I needed today! Thank you!!
Thank you Katy!
Thanks Amy, just what I was looking for after my morning run!
A perfect way to round (the world) my workout.
Thank you Deborah.....glad these added to your morning run!
11-20 of 30

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