Reformer Stretch<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 491

Reformer Stretch
Amy Havens
Class 491

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I've been hurting like crazy all day, just ran through this and I feel almost human again! glad this class brought you back into yourself after your run! Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment!
love this! Thank you Amy, I just happened to stumble on this jewel of a class. You never disappoint!
Aw, thanks so much Denee...!
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What a wonderful stretch - didn't know I needed it until I'd done it! My piriformis, especially, thanks you! I always love your videos!
Thank you Michele !
1 person likes this.
Oh wow, those leg stretches are the BEST after jumpboard! Thanks!
Glad you liked those Lori !!
Sam P
I love all of Amy's classes! She's my favorite instructor. I love this class and so did my back. I feel looser and taller. Thanks amy!
Whoa! After doing this just one time I was able to touch my toes when bending over for the first time since I was a kid. JUST ONE time! Amazing!
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