Finding Your Sacrum<br>Claire Sparrow<br>Class 5031

Finding Your Sacrum
Claire Sparrow
Class 5031

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Be happy that you notice a difference.  You know, sometimes you go, oh my goodness, there's awful difference from one side to the other.   That's normal as can be and such a good thing that you have such keen body awareness.    When you can notice something, you've got the power to move from there, to make change. 

 change rather than correct  something ,I like this one,thank you so much Claire!
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Another enlightening class which felt so good. This work is so interesting and important. Lovely clear cues and images. Thanks Claire and to PA for making this platform so international.
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Love this Claire x
starting my Sunday like butter melting on toast! That's a delicious sensation. Loved this class Claire, thank you
Ruth S
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Thank you Claire. Such an interesting class and I love taking the time to feel the movment in my body.
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Another gem of a class. Loved this. As you say we need to encourage students to be aware of their body and it’s differences in sides. Thank you 
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Really nice class Claire.Thanks x
Claire S
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Wow, what incredible feedback and experiences you are all having. I am grateful to hear that the language & imagery I use has been helpful. It is of particular priority to me that we use positive language about ourselves, our movement & our bodies. It can greatly impact the experiences we have whatever we choose to say to ourselves.
Claire x
Amy A
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Hi and thank you, I do many of these but never really knew the correct way and how it helps my pelvis.  I pulled a muscle that attaches to my sit bone a month ago with no release, so this was really informative.
As a fellow Scot it is absolutely lovely to hear your dulcet tones on here, great work and to PA who are a big part of my constant learning.
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