Mat Ball Flow<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5251

Mat Ball Flow
Tracey Mallett
Class 5251

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The flow of this class is phenomenal. Thanks Tracey. Loved every minute. I was in the flow! CJ (The Pilates Journal)
Great class as always Tracy
Ruth B
some unique moves with ball. Easy flow from one move to the next.
Annie R
Brilliant as always - some more 'Tracey' variations and with a ball - heaven!
Felicia Abernethy-Lloyd
That was amazing!
Anne M
Amazing class!! Loved the flow and clear direction. Thank you so much, Tracey.
I love all your ball classes and this one is the best yet.
Great class- and as others commented, one movement flowing right into the next. Thank you!
Love this class!! such a great and challenging AND fun flow!!!
Katerina G
that was amzing! definetely intermidiate +++ :). By the way this colour looks great on you Tracey. 
Lindsay S
Great flow, I had so much fun moving through this class!
11-20 of 41

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