Mobility For Life<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5385

Mobility For Life
Tom McCook
Class 5385

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Conce P, That’s great to hear! Mission accomplished!!🙏
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Thanks for the fantastic class, Tom!!  In a world where clients want to jump right into arabesques it's great to review the fundamentals.  You have to stand on both feet well before you can balance on one.
It's also comforting to see that even here on PA class plans evolve.  What were we going to do with the other tennis ball and towel?!?
I'm just sayin'...
AlegriaAZ , Thank you! Yes, refining the basics and getting more curious about relating to gravity better is a wise choice! The extra ball and towel were just in case!!🤗🙏
Chalalai R
Thanks Tom, i love this class. little movements but many benefits for me. Enjoy to do it every day
Chalalai R , thank you! That’s so great to hear!!👊 enjoy and all the best to you🤗🙏
Thank you Tom - great admiration for your deep feels ofcorrect body movement and always expressing it so succinctly.  Much appreciated and will be incorporating much of this into my class tomorrow.  thank you.
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Mandy D, thank you so much! Enjoy sharing in your class and all the best! 🙏
Brilliant!  Thank you!
Len P, thank you! All the best!🙏
Wonderful class! I do and teach many of the exercises but you gave different and interesting cues using  precise images. Very enjoyable and useful 
Thanks Tom
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