Daily Joint Mobility Mat<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 5425

Daily Joint Mobility Mat
Niedra Gabriel
Class 5425

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Excellent 👍🇩🇰
Lina S
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A feel-good practice to wind down after a work day!
Satya Harmonie
thank you!!
Chris C
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Super Duper Flexing Stretching Extending the muscles 
Niedra Gabriel
Dorthe V ,Lina S ,Satya Harmonie ,Chris C  Thanky ou for your posts - enjoy the stretch.  Slow holds are also good
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Lovely stretching thanks so much 🙏 
Sue S
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Very helpful, thank you!
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Niedra Gabriel I want to push the button "Like" every time I did your video! Thank you! ❤️
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There should be a love button for this! xx
Katarina S
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Lovely routine, Niedra.  I've already done this class 3x, and I enjoyed it every time. Thank you! 
1-10 of 12

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