Meditation<br>Bobbee Kellner<br>Tutorial 544

Bobbee Kellner
Tutorial 544

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Kristi, I had never consider meditation until I saw this. Tonight was my first time, I will continue to work on it. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us!
Ana, it really just takes a few minutes a day and makes such a big difference in your daily interactions with yourself and other people. I hope you find the same as you practice.
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lovely, simple, effortless meditation. Very achievable. Thank you PA (especially Kristi and Bobbee) for including this on your site...Joe is probably smiling down on us now, for finally getting's not for nothing that he wrote about "mind, body and spirit"
Thank you Ali!
This was fantastic. I need need need to make this a practice for myself. I'm always challenging my body to move so this was a very timely invitation to slow down, breath and to just be. Thank you so much:)

Wonderful interview. :) Just a clarification about Transcendental Meditation (I am both a Pilates teacher and a TM Teacher :) ~ TM is a very simple, natural, effortless technique that gives the body and mind deep rest, releases daily and accumulated stress and brings greater alertness and balance to the body/mind. It's easy to do and very effective. Meditation in general (all kinds) is beneficial ~ I recommend to explore and find a way to have some time for yourself to quiet the mind and body and see how refreshed you feel :)
Thank you for weighing in on TM for us Evie. I'd love to know more. What do you think is the best way for a beginner to find time to quiet the mind and body?
:) I think a good way to begin to quiet the mind and body is with the breathing (pranayama) - there are many different variations, but one simple way is to (close the eyes) close the right nostril, breath in with the left nostril, close the left, exhale out the right. Then inhale into the right, close the right, exhale out the left. Do this for 3-5 minutes and see how calming it is. If you have time, do a little Yoga (Sun Salute is good) or just some easy movement such as Standing Roll Down, Pelvic Curls, Side stretches, Swan, Rest Position. Then do the pranayama. :) Hope that helps.
btw, to clarify, with your right hand, you would use your thumb and middle finger - thumb for the right nostril and mid finger for the left ~
Definitely helps (me anyway)! Thank you Evie!
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