Form & Efficiency Reformer<br>Jason Williams<br>Class 5441

Form & Efficiency Reformer
Jason Williams
Class 5441

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Elena S
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Great work out, will repeat over the time. Thank you Jason!
Jason Williams
Elena S thank you! Hope you enjoyed it!!😁
Na'ama Fitness and Pilates Pro Studio
loved it! do you have to adjust on a regular height reformer?Jason Williams
Karlin A
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This was a great work out - loved the running concept!
Jason Williams
Karlin A thank you so much!!🙏🏾
1 person likes this.
Fun to use the reformer with the focus on running.  Thank you for a well thought routine and smooth presentation 
Jason Williams
LaRae B thank you! Appreciate your comment.  🙏🏾😄
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Thank you! So helpful for running form. Loved all the balance and stability work. 
1 person likes this.
Loved all the glute standing work.  Great for my balance.  
Jason Williams
Adelle H you’re welcome.  Thank you for taking class🙏🏾
1-10 of 46

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