Hypertonic Pelvic Floor<br>Claire Sparrow<br>Class 5559

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor
Claire Sparrow
Class 5559

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Thank-you Claire. Such clear and soothing delivery. 

I have tailbone pain and beginning to wonder if it is caused by hypertonic pelvic floor. So I'll be doing this class often in the hope of some relief.
I do wonder though if in my other pilates practice I need to reduce engagement of pelvic floor. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Paige B
Thank you Claire! This is so great for those with a hypertonic pelvic floor, I hope to see more on this subject in the future! 
Loved this and felt great after it
Thanks a lot for your classes, Claire. I love your soft voice, cueing, information, everything!
11-14 of 14

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