Hypertonic Pelvic Floor<br>Claire Sparrow<br>Class 5559

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor
Claire Sparrow
Class 5559

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What a treat to have another class from you Claire. Always such great information and movement. Thankyou!
So happy to have Claire back! Love her classes:)
Lovely class Claire...you've given me some new ideas on how to use the "squishy ball" in my Gentle Mat classes!
Thanks Claire - I really felt the benefits of this class today and again I noticed  the differences between left and right especially the quadruped sequence at the end 🙏
Barb K
1 person likes this.
Thank you Claire! I love these movements.
Meira H
Thank you Claire! Lovely class, very calming!
Angela M Tamborello
Thank you so much for this wonderful class...I didn't realize how tight my hips were!  I need this everyday!
Thank you so much for sharing this very valuable material Claire.
Wonderful class.  I hope you will make more of these.  Someday I hope to come take a class or training with you but for now these are wonderful.  
Mei Lee F
Fantastic!  this is exactly what I needed for a great start of my day. Maybe even at end of my day. I definitely will try to feel how I reconnect to better awareness.   Claire S would you recommend this as a warm up to classes/pilates session?  
1-10 of 14

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