Finding Flow and Connection<br>Mychele Sims<br>Class 5592

Finding Flow and Connection
Mychele Sims
Class 5592

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thank you for the joyful class!
Love your cues and positive energy! I especially appreciate the "we are renegades" comment:) Thank YOU!!
Miri J
Thank you Mychele! I come back to this flow often, especially when my body feels creaky and stiff, it always makes me feel better. I love your attitude and energy! It's a very uplifting class.  
Debbie Zelenoy
Just what I needed today, Mychele! Love your energy!
EXCELLENT!!! This was my first class with Mychele, and I was pleasantly surprised! This was precisely what I needed today.  It's a fun mix of pilates and yoga, total body, and a wonderful flow! Thank you, Mychele!
Michael Mary S
This was my first class with Mychele and I loved it.  Thanks for a great class.
Nicola S
Great class her vibe is amazing! I’m just wondering would you recommend lightening the springs for a more petite frame as some of the settings felt a bit heavy for me (e.g. trying to push box out and do arabesque on R+B). 
Kwame G
Loved this class for myself, and already started giving some of it to my students!
Thank you thank you! More like this pls
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