Barre Inspired Reformer<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5629

Barre Inspired Reformer
Laura Hanlon
Class 5629

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Love the penche into front control and stretch series!
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I had to hold onto the box as I was doing those short box squats. Oh my! I almost skipped this one because I thought it was going to be a lot of standing at the barre  work. Really nice flow. Thank you, Laura!
Cate Rose
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What a great class! Feel fabulous ☺️
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Thanks for this class! I was out of breath with the plank series hahah good work! 
Sara P
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Nice class

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Always brilliant💕
Sasha M
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love the one arm tricep work with pulling the straps! 

Aylan Y
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Thank you Laura wow got harder towards the end haha feel more energised woooo:)) will incorporate some of these into my classes too. 
Bella K
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One of my favorite reformer classes yet! 
Charlotte H
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Laura truly you are one of the best instructors, I love your routines thank you so much 
11-20 of 25

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