Barre Inspired Reformer<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5629

Barre Inspired Reformer
Laura Hanlon
Class 5629

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Shona Croft
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Loved this class!!! Added it to my favourites thanks Laura!
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Loved this class! Thank you
Melissa D
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Wonderful flow! Thank you! 
1 person likes this.
So good! Love the tricep work to forearm plank and all the barre work!!

Ashley O
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I am so humbled . Love this
2 people like this.
Loved this! Your cues are so helpful to get to all the muscles  and to keep a great flow of the class. Thank you!
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Yay a new class from Laura, great!
Jennifer Dene
Holy moly plank series! What a wonderful class, thanks Laura.
1 person likes this.
WOW! I loved this class.  It will definitely be in my regular rotation.  Thank you so much!
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Makes us want to try the side lying leg work and the abdominal pulls of the carriage holding the frame - isabel and Nat 
1-10 of 25

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