Pilates & Strength Training<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5659

Pilates & Strength Training
Tracey Mallett
Class 5659

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Fun, dynamic class, good mix of strength with some cardio. I really enjoyed the mix of springs and hand weights
Not a great workout if you are shorter. Can't do exercises as shown. Also putting leg in well very awkward. You can do same exercises with leg outside of reformer
Pamela B hello I am very short well 5 feet 3 inches and had no problem with any of the exercises.  Placing Leg side the well is done often but if you feel awkward then yes absolutely place it to the side of the carriage where it would normally be. 
Thank you for your comment 
Rachel P thank you so much it’s definitely a mix! 
Thanks Tracey, maybe it's the reformer then. I have a Stott so possibly it's taller
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This was so fun! And challenging. Loved it
Pamela B Hello I have a STOTT at my studio too and can do these flows on the reformer as they’re all derived from classical Pilates moves. Maybe you can share what moves you are referring too. I travel teaching instructors so work on so many reformers but the only issue I have is maybe the other way around when the height of the reformer is high maybe because of it being a clinical reformer. ALLEGRO 2 reformer is the standard height of a reformer which I believe the same as STOTT. Happy to help in anyway I can. 
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Here I was planning to do a traditional reformer class after work and this popped up-- yay!! Tracey, your newer classes are so amazing. As a fantastic 50-ish soul sister I cannot thank you enough for these mixed classes. I am stronger and my endurance has definitely improved with the added cardio. You inspire me and I hope you keep on sharing your gift to us and down the road for the sexy 60 and 70 years!!!  Thank you!!!
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Tracey. You are HARD CORE! Love a challenge! Scissors in straps at the end nearly had me but with you all the way love! Super class. Thanks !
Maria P
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Enjoyed the class soooo much! Very fun and creative flow
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