Pilates & Strength Training<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5659

Pilates & Strength Training
Tracey Mallett
Class 5659

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Marie-Laure M Fantastic, glad you enjoyed! Yes, I have a lot of classes on here xo
Jessie B Have you tried buying some anti slip? You can get this from target and put under the feet.
Amazing !!! Thank you Tracy!!!
Gamze D
Thanks Traceley for the  class. Pilates and weight training mix is really great. You are an inspiration  
Omg what a class
Amazing. thank you Tracey❤️very much needed after a long influenza. 
I don't have a reformer, but I adapted this fine class with other equipment and my fixed ballet barre. It is an excellent class and one to come back to. Thanks, Tracey, Ray :)
Loved the class!!! Always amazing Thank you 🤍
Awesome, thank you xx
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