Stretch Out Strap® Mat<br>Pat Guyton<br>Class 569

Stretch Out Strap® Mat
Pat Guyton
Class 569

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Loved using the OPTP band and finding new ways to use it. Great class Pat!!
I had technical difficulties with this one - somewhere around 38 min it just stops playing.
I'll check it out Rachel...
Will a regular band work? I do not have a strap.
Will a regular band work? I do not have a strap.
The SOS strap is unique as it has loops that hold your hands or feet in a desired position. You can use a yoga strap or band - it just may not have the exact same effect. Let me know how it goes.
Back in the early 80's when I taught prenatal classes in a small town in the midwest we called your "Tokoyo fan" the "Decatur (IL) polka"!
Rachel we tested all three formats and can't see a problem, though admittedly it took longer than normal to load the class. Would you mind checking it again at your convenience? Make sure to close programs you don't need open and if you haven't restarted your computer in a while that is a good idea too.
The first time I tried this class I had no problem viewing this class. But this morning I wanted to retake this class because it was so good. And it wouldn't reload.
I could view this web site. The second time I tried!! Sorry for the first post!!
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