Stretch Out Strap® Mat<br>Pat Guyton<br>Class 569

Stretch Out Strap® Mat
Pat Guyton
Class 569

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Thanks Pat.....I loved taking this class again this morning! The SOS strap really helps me connect to opening my lumbar (my ever challenging area!) and I'm really starting to enjoy Teasers now! :)
I also had problems with loading. It played slow. During bow and arrow standing, the video seemed to pause / slow down soo much that I couldn't see it being demonstrated clearly. I tried low and high res. The voice over went smoothly. Not the video itself.
I'll see what else we can do regarding the slow loading situation. It is very strange that we're all having problems (occasionally) with this one, but not on the master. Please be patient as we search for a resolution.
Kristi asked me to run another version of Pat's class last night in the hopes of correcting the buffering issues some of you have been experiencing.

Pat's revised class has now replaced the old version and the new version seems to be buffering at the normal rate we expect. Please provide any feedback if the problem persists for anyone when trying to view the class now.
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Great stuff...I plan to use a yoga strap & Pilates ring to teach this one. Especially loved the strap as head support (neck pull), cue to self correct (OLR), Spine Twist, Mermaid, dbl leg lift, Boomerang, and ending pieces with plies & "sail" sequence. Love love love to PA for bringing Pat to me!
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It reminded me of the charity class you did in Tokyo last summer. People in Tokyo will never forget the Japanese fan exercise! Thank you very much.
Although I used the SOS strap, I believe that teachers should feel to experiment with tools at hand. In my experience, the same concept with a different tool can often lead to another experience that has value. I like to remember that Joe taught the Hundred everywhere, but it is not the same exercise on the Mat as it is on the Trapeze Table, Guillotine, or Spine Corrector.
Yuki, we now need an exercise called the Japanese Ramen Dance. I enjoyed the comment regarding the Decatur Polka. It is testimony that good ideas arrive in many places at one time. We do not "own" anything.
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I have had this strap for awhile now and have used it for very little....thank you so much for demonstrating so many wonderful variations it is capable of....going off many of your cues I have incorporated it into some of my client's workouts and they love it ("hate it"-ha, which means they love it!!!) Thank you for sharing!
Hi Sharon! Glad that you enjoyed it! It is so true, they love it when we challenge them and they love to "hate" it!
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