FuseDance Fun<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 612

FuseDance Fun
Tracey Mallett
Class 612

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Thanks Tracey. Can't wait for the 2 new dvds.:)
Great, fun class!!! Thank you for sharing. Would love to get some of that musice as well!!
1 person likes this.
LOVED this class. I usually avoid "dance" style classes because I'm am really that bad at following choreography but this was super easy to follow even the first time. The choreography was the only thing easy about it (did she really just say lift the hips and rotate???). I almost gave at the kneeling side kicks, but so glad I pushed on through. I had a great workout and a lot of fun. More classes like this, please!
Thank you for the great workout! I can feel your love for Dance and Pilates! Very inspiring! Good work guys ;)
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OMG!! This is totally amazing! I am normally a classical pilates enthusiast but this has certainly added some zest to the whole idea of pilates. Great workout all you ladies! Thank you Tracey and thank you PA!!
i dont know if i have commented already, but it's worth commenting again... i am a dancer and some of this stuff kicked my butt.
Love it! Going to try to add it to my weekly routine and actually do all of IT!
SO FUN! I feel great!
Happy you're all enjoying FuseDance, it's a nice fluid workout fused with Pilates!
this is a FUN class! thanx Tracey!
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